Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Packed Snacks for All Occasion - Special Order

It has been almost a year since the Cebu Packed Lunch has been making not only tasty meals but even packed snacks! From simple puto, toron, cheese cup cakes, to these sets of tuna sandwich, chicken sandwhich, chicken burger, spaghetti, pizza bread, pancit, and more!

These are perfect for all gatherings be it meetings, reunions, conferences, seminarstraining, team building, and more! So long as you need packed snacks that are made to order!

Get it here! Tasty and Awesome!

Cebu Packed Lunch's Christmas Children's Party

The Cebu Packed Lunch has been so blessed the past 2011, and what more great thing to celebrate the success than to give back the favor in return with a THANKSGIVING PARTY! So last December 25, the Cebu Packed Lunch gave away a treat to the kids by giving them an awesome Christmas Children's Party!

See these sumptuous all time favorites!

With their fun games and dancing!

To all those who have supported Cebu Packed Lunch thank you so much! 
You made all this possible! 
Thank you and We love you!

Christmas Children's Party

Cebu Packed Lunch has been totally busy all the throughout the last quarter of 2011! So many orders here and there from schools to organizations to companies to household! Whew! Plus the damage of our camera, missed a lot of photos of our past events! Good thing now that we have the Motoroal Xooom Tablet as our camera, we're back to capturing the tasty moments of Cebu Packed Lunch!

One highlight during the holidays was the wonderful Children's Party held at St. Jude as organized by Ms. Janeth. They ordered 100 packed meals together with these amazing viands -  Lasagna, Beef Steak with Mushroom, Chicken Cordon Bleu, and Embotido!

Here they are as they picked up the food off to the party!

A warm salute to the generosity of Ms. Janeth from Cebu Packed Lunch! As they have blessed the kids, they too shall receive tremendous blessings a hundred fold!
Cebu Packed Lunch Cebu Packed Lunch - By Hanz Florentino